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Why I Now Recommend Zazzle instead of CafePress

In my original video (Day 3: How to use CafePress), I introduced you to CafePress. Now I'm moving to Zazzle and here's my reasons why.

  • After doing some research, I've found that several people are unhappy with CafePress. Some people have complained about the quality of the prints, while others complain about the actual site and service.
  • Zazzle's shops are free. The free CafePress shops are very limited and you have to pay to get a premium shop
  • Zazzle does have a affiliate program. (This is my main reason)
  • Zazzle gives you more control over the price.
I'll be posting a youtube video over zazzle soon, but in the meantime, if you would like to know more about CafePress you can check out my video and my post. I'll post a more in dept analysis and money making guide latter if anyone is interested.


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