Zazzle, like i mentioned in this earlier post, is a quick and easy way of earning passive income. The problem is, its not so easy when you don't have any skills in graphic design. Thats why I'm dedicating this post to showing you a quick method to make amazing graphics with no skill at all. This is actually how I made images like these:
What's in This Video
- I show you how to quickly generate fractals.
- I show you how to render them.
- I show you how to quickly upload your design to Zazzle.
Because describing them is difficult and something i'm not quite sure of myself, here's a link:
To put it simply, they're just never ending patterns created by mathematical formulas.
How Do You Make Fractals?
The easiest way to make fractals is to first download fractal making software. In this video, I used apophysis. On startup, this program creates a random batch of fractals. The random batch generally had one or two fractals that i really like so i generally just render one without editing it at all. After about an hour of waiting for it to render you have yourself a simple .png image that you can upload onto Zazzle. If you wanted to learn to make more complex fractals or make small changes to random batches there are plenty of tutorials on the web and youtube. I recommend browsing deviantART. Not only do they have a huge collection of the most beautiful fractals i've ever seen, but they also have a few user made tutorials so you can learn from the pros.
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